Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Return Day

Wow, in a few hours I will be on my way back to America. My time here is basically over and it feels so odd. It is like leaving my home of four months to return to another home that I have not seen in a while. I really am going to find a way to return to Vienna, at least for a vacation. Well this is it for my Europe posts. Thanks for reading up on my time abroad! Catch you on the other side.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Return Day Minus One

Today is it. Today is my very last day in Vienna. I seriously cannot believe it is nearly over. Everything has simply rushed right on by. It seems like I just got here, though it really has been about four fantastic months. This past week alone has been great. Corrina, Sara, and I were able to visit a lot of sites that we had not even seen yet. We saw the Zentralfriedhof, the Natural History Museum, an opera, and so much more! Once Sara left, it really felt like my time here was done. I would love to stay here for the rest of my life, but I know I must return and catch-up with family and friends. I have to finish college too, hehe. But one day I will return to Vienna and enjoy all the good things this city has to offer.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Return Day Minus Two

Only two days until I am back in America. The past few days here have been crazy, yet extremely fun. Corrina's friend Sara has been with us for a few days, and she has helped make our last week here very cool. Sadly she leaves this afternoon to return to her study abroad program in France. Once she leaves, Corrina and I will spend the rest of our time here getting ready to leave. I still can't believe my time here in fantastic Vienna is almost up.